Hello Again…

the neon factor fashion blog fashion show front row

Hello my fashion lovers! Welcome to the new THE NEON FACTOR, not only my own little personal blog but we’ll also focus on much more. I personally love everything about the fashion world… well lets say industry. A lot of it is flawed, there is not denying that, but it’s also a magical world that has changed my life in an amazing way.

the neon factor blogger wears Retrofete sequin dress

I started this blog in 2011 under the name, xoxo, Diana, oh yes the obsession with Gossip Girl (The OG not the HBO version) was very much real. In 2012 I changed the name to THE NEON FACTOR, given my intense and maybe not healthy obsession with neon colors. Believe me it was and still is very much obvious my love for neon colors and metallic colors, cannot forget about metallic colors.

the neon factor blog fashion show runway

For The Neon Factor 2.0 I would like to focus more on the fashion world around me and outside of me. Meaning, you will not just see my #OOTD’s and new pieces in my closet, don’t worry I will still share my outfits and goodies, but let’s focus also on the fashion industry itself. It’s 2021 and believe me the fashion world has drastically changed since I started blogging in 2011 and graduated with a bachelors in Fashion & Retail management in 2013. Not only has the way of fashion blogging changed, now fashion bloggers are known as Influencers but also the back end of the fashion industry. Fast fashion has turn into a BEAST these past 10 years and honestly I believe shoppers and fashion enthusiasts are tired of the copy and paste vibes of fast fashion and influencers all getting dressed by the same companies. Let’s take a step out of the box, there are so many brands and labels and designers that cater to design clothing that is their brand. Meaning no copy and paste. Meaning pieces are designed to fit the brands customer, not the general public that wants the latest look of a Kardashian. No hate on these beautiful women but Tim Gunn’s comment of their style has aged very well.

the neon factor fashion blogger graffiti wall

I would like to thank you for stopping by and joining me in getting my passion back on track. Look out for many many more posts. This is so exciting!!


let’s Color-block… A purple and green outfit